Tai Chi Classes in Onehunga, Auckland

Mark Wallis | Principal Instructor for The Taiji School (Auckland)

A student with Patrick Kelly since 1982 and instructor at Patrick's Auckland school since 1992, Mark has spent most of his teaching time at the St Benedicts St school, taking beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. 

He finds a deep attraction to the art and strongly appreciates the systematic, structured approach to the Taiji path. 'Taiji is a incredible journey. It enhances one's inner life as well as the life of the body, while building balance in both.'

New classes for beginners | Onehunga | start Monday 10 March 2025

Our new beginners class starts on Monday the 10th of March and runs twice weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays (as below). 

It's recommended to watch a class before joining (but it's not essential), giving you the opportunity to ask questions as well as see how we practice. Please contact Mark to register your interest, or for any other information. We ask students attend two classes per week.

What is Taiji? 

Taiji is usually described as a slow gentle exercise, or moving mediation, and associated with people in parks moving slowly in the morning air. 

Taiji is an ancient practice that evolves outwardly according to the life and culture of the times. Not long ago ago Tai Chi was practiced with static postures, with the emphasis on movement between postures being a relatively recent development. 

In our tradition, we have seen the long form refined by YangChengfu, the short form created by G.M. ZhengManqing and the loosening exercises, fast form and pushing hands developed by M. HuangXingxian. It is in this form with refinements and additional mediation practices from Partick Kelly (as practiced and taught at The TaiJi School).

Taiji is commonly considered to have been formalised into a physical art about 750 or 800 years ago by Zhang Sanfeng. Though impossible to confirm historically, this Taoist person is usually accredited as the founder of Tai Chi. Though it's origins are rooted in earlier Taoist culture as expressed in The Tao Teh Ching and even earlier in the I Ching (book of changes)

The TaiJi School and other of Patrick's schools worldwide differ from many in that the aim is the inner evolution of the practitioner. To this end TaiJi is available to anyone who has sufficient health and mobility to participate. Though joining younger allows the student to maintain better health, strength and energy through their life, as well as allowing more time to take the practice deeper. 

Though one can learn the outer shape of the warm ups and form relatively quickly, the deeper aspects of the art take time. To truly advance in the inner levels of TaiJi (or any esoteric art) takes a certain minimum time. Insufficient practice or intensity during the practice, approaching the practice with fixed ideas as to its results, all will extend that minimum time, or even push it out of reach. For example, it's unfortunately common to see practitioners or 20 year plus, still at a 5 or 10 year level in their practice.

Contact info & location

2 Classes per week & FAQs

Two classes per week 


Watch a class


Free classes?

Beginners class structure

When can I start?

Mondays 6:30-8:00pm

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm

(alternate contacts:  FB | www.facebook.com/TheTaijiSchool, Instagram | TheTaijiSchoolAuckland)

image/simone secci/unsplash